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JStock comes with pre-built technical indicators. It will tell you the right timing to buy and sell. Install indicators is easy with just a single button click. Stock investment is always so fun and easy. Visit Indicators Page to learn more.

You may customize the indicators in the way you wish. You do not need to learn any programming in order to build your very own stock filtering rule. JStock comes with an easy to use drag-and-drop graphics block.

Filter out potential stocks from the entire stock market using your custom built indicator, in real-time fashion.

Is my dividend earning increased from year to year? Is Microsoft dividend payout decreased from year to year? JStock will help you the answer all the dividend questions.

Which stock gives me the best return of investment? Which stock has the highest dividend yield? JStock will help you the answer all the portfolio questions.

Want to know how well is your investment skill? Want to know whether your investment return has increased from year to year? Invesetment flow chart is the answer.

You may access your personal JStock data anytime, anywhere. You upload entire personal JStock data into cloud at home, and open up personal JStock data from cloud at office. The data is stored in your private Google Drive account. No other, but only YOU can access it. Please view our privacy information. Cloud works best with JStock Android.

By using information from currency exchange server, you may show your foreign stocks in local currency.