Stock Watchlist
Multiple Countries
Current Stock Info
Intraday Stock Price
Multiple Watchlists

Portfolio Management
Transaction Records
Cash Management
Dividend Management
Multiple Portfolios

System Tray

Indicator Filter


Cloud Storage

Currency Exchange

Stock Market News


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JStock supports 28 world stock markets. Here are the stock markets being supported.
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- China
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Israel
- Italy
- Korea
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Portugal
- Russia
- Singapore
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom
- United State

The stock price can be either realtime or delay, depending on the chosen country. Please refer to "Is there any delay in stock price?" for more details.

If you are a daily trader, we understand that your need in monitoring stock price movement in seconds precision. Hence, JStock is providing intraday stock price snapshot. The stock price will be captured in every 10 seconds in daily basics, lasted for 2 hours.

JStock also helps you to manage your portfolio, by calculating your current net worth, recording your buy and sell record. You may even put a sticky note on your every single transaction.

JStock allows you to create unlimited number of watchlists. This enables you keep track high growth stocks and dividend gained stocks at the same time.

JStock keeps track dividend payout too. You may input dividend information manually, or let JStock generates dividend information automatically.

JStock allows you to create unlimited number of portfolios. This enables you to share the fun of JStock with your love and family, by creating individual portfolio for every family members.

Stock alert may be received through system tray.

Stock alert may be received through sound.